Tuesday, July 31, 2012

1 August 2012

So...the appetite has come back after a somewhat hellish week of all kinds of digestive mayhem.  I won't bore you with the details.  Suffice to say things were going on that I didn't think were possible to have happening at the same time.

Anyway...I'm back to eating tons of carbs, lots of rice, potatoes etc. and I've upped my fat intake as well.  I finally found a brand of coconut milk that's *just* coconut.  I was buying the cheap stuff before and not only does it NOT taste very good, but it's got all kinds of preservatives that really weren't agreeing with me.  Which is a relief - I thought I was mildly allergic to coconut because when I ate the cheap stuff, I'd start wheezing a little bit.  Turns out it was a reaction to the added chemicals because the pure coconut milk...no problem whatsoever. 

I'm still trying to work more vegetables into the mix.  I think I'm going to adopt a Sumo diet (with less beer.  I really hope it's not the beer that makes those guys so huge because if that's the case...I'm sunk because gluten free beer is outrageously expensive). 

Weighed myself this morning and the scale said 190.5.  Not sure what the deal is because I KNOW I'm gaining.  I can see/feel that I'm bigger.  I even had a comment last week about "how well developed my abs were getting".  It was said sarcastically, by the way.  I'm blaming the weight loss on dehydration.  It's been uncharacteristically hot and humid here for weeks and weeks now.  Usually we just get a week of this and then it's done.  Not this year.  I feel like we've been transplanted to Georgia or something.  I hope the weather breaks soon (and not in a tornado-ey way either). 

That's the news so far.

I also want to say 'thanks' to the people who are taking the time to vote on the poll.  It's interesting to see the results so far.  I'm assuming the person who clicked "lose it all" is a holdover from when this blog was crosslinked to a weight loss thread on Reddit last year because I'm not sure, otherwise, why you'd be reading a gainer blog...or how you'd even have found it otherwise.   That being said, we're all entitled to our opinions and I'm glad you voted.

It is also interesting to see how many people, so far, have indicated I should keep going past 235.  I'll be honest - 235 I can grasp.  At that weight I'll be bigger...a lot bigger...but I can still wrap my head around being that big.  260 is a bit of a stretch for me.  I've looked it pictures of guys my height and at 260...well, that's very, very solid.  Over 300 pounds?  I'll be honest - I'm not sure I'm prepared for that.  I mean, don't get me wrong - I really, REALLY love the idea of getting to be that fat.  It's not the mechanics of the actual gaining, or the change to my looks, or to my body mass I'm worried about - I just worry that if I got TOO heavy I wouldn't be able to do many of the things I love to do.  I do think it's possible to be fat and healthy and active.  I know people who are.  I guess for me I'm going to have to find out through experience, trial and error, what size is best for me.  Keep gaining until I feel too heavy and then lose a little until I'm comfortable.  All I know is...I've got a looong ways to go yet before I'd even consider myself getting too big.    

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

25 July 2012

And...food poisoning.  If the raw chicken smells bad, even if you rinse it off and cook it thoroughly...eating it is a very, very bad idea.  So, a minor setback, seeing as the mere thought of food has been a little offputting for the last couple of days.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

22 July 2012

Been eating and eating...pretty much nonstop.   I'm amazed and pleased to see how much mass I've already gained in my belly.  I know part of it's bloat, etc. but it just feels so good to be growing again.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

18 July 2012

Hey everyone...

I'm back.  Took a bit of a break from gaining and as a result really didn't have anything to post here.

Though I haven't made any gaining progress, I haven't really lost any ground either.  I'm still fluctuating somewhere between 193 and 195 pounds, which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. 

I have kept up the eating which is the only reason I haven't dropped back down to 180 (which is usually what happens when I stop actively trying to put on weight).  Or, perhaps 190+ is my new "normal" weight...which is okay with me.  That just gives me a better base upon which to build.

I feel like I'm hovering right on the edge - I've gotten heavier but don't really consider myself fat yet.  Part of it, I guess, is the fact that I've finally gotten used to being this big.  It wasn't until this evening, when I put on a super tight T-shirt, that I realized "hey, if my reflection was actually someone else, I'd say, objectively, that guy is starting to get a pretty decent belly"

Having made that realization...I'm motivated to start expanding again.  I very much want to be substantially larger than I currently am.

The goal is still to get to 235. I really had hoped to get there by last April but apparently I'm just not that good a gainer. Slow and steady, I guess.  I realized tonight that if I only ate an extra 500 calories a day, that'd still net me 52 pounds in a year.  104 pounds in 2 years if I kept it up...and so on. 

If I'd started with that mindset a year ago, I'd already be up over 240 pounds by now!