Tuesday, March 31, 2009

31 March 2009

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the planet...

I realize it's been more than I month since I've written anything here. I think I fell into a late winter "funk". Felt sort of sick, achey for weeks. Not really sick enough to stay home but sick enough to just make every single day drrraaagggg...

I stopped with the herbal stuff the last week of February, wondering if that's what was messing me up. I'm still not sure - I do know it was making me quite sluggish. I think part of the gaining effect was caused by slowing down the metabolism. I'm just going au naturel for right now to get things back into synch.

Not much to report on the gaining front. I haven't been eating more than usual but haven't actually lost anything. Things are about the same.

I'm starting to get used to being bigger - it not longer surprises me when I move a certain way and realize that wow...that bulge wasn't there before.

I wouldn't have believed that gaining so little weight (relatively speaking) would make me feel so different.

Anyhoo...just taking things slow for now...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, "Jake":
    Great to hear from you again!
    I'm sorry to hear about the problems you apparently had with that "herbal stuff". Like medication herbs work well for some individual and not for others. In the same vein, it takes time for such things to build up in the body and then again until it is flushed out alltogether. Anyway, it probably was worth a try and now you know for sure.
    With 2 jobs you write you are very active. You probably know from others and your own experience that gaining is very hard when you burn a lot of calories. So I admired your gaining nevertheless (and the way it shows on your picture - yummy!) And it was good to hear that despite your troubles you didn't lose any weight!
    I would say that you have found your own way of gaining "while swimming against the stream".
    Enough said, I hope to read soon that you reached that magical number 200 lbs.
    Good luck with happier gaining,


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