Friday, October 2, 2009

2 October 2009

So I went away and then I came back. Actually, to be more specific, I went out of town on business for four days and then came back and worked like crazy the next four days.

Here's the update (and I admit I'm a little confused by the results).

While I was away for the four days I ate a lot of extra calories. According to the spreadsheet I should weigh at least 192 lbs now. But I don't. Oddly enough I appear to have lost weight. The day I got back the scale said I was actually one pound lighter then when I left. Trust me on this - I ate an incredible amount of food when I was gone. And I kept track of it down to the calorie (the business part of the trip was short and easy and left me lots of time for other things like refining the spreadsheet).

But...and this is where it's weird...although I appear to be lighter in a numbers sense, my belly *is* bigger. This isn't wishful thinking. Shirts that fit me before I went do not fit me anymore. My pants *are* tighter. I can feel the skin on my stomach stretching when I move and that tells me my belly got bigger.

And I do appear to be expanding. I've been eating relatively normally since I got back (well, heavy/normally) and I'm getting a little bigger each day. I haven't had time to update the spreadsheet since I got back but I'm hoping to get back on it. I found it very helpful when I was wondering just how much more I needed to consume in a day.

That being said, I guess it takes longer than I thought to actually put on the weight in any meaningful way.

I'm baffled, a bit, but not beaten.

So my strategy for the next little while is to keep up


  1. Then brace yourself for a big jump in the scale number...

  2. May be you lose muscel, muscel is hevier than fat but is harder to get and is does not make people fill out anuff. If you wont to now for shor you could buy a scale that tals you if you loss fat or muscel.
    P.S. if you want to gain more fat on a reguler basis eat more transfats. Transfats make the fat in your body double and moves so of the fat that is allredy there into you gut. and muscel suplements increse you calory intake and make your muscels a little stronger so you be hevier then you are.

  3. What you write is interesting, but I feel sorry for you, that apparently you are not gaining.
    How confident are you that your scales are working properly? Or, are you burning all your calories with being very active?
    But then, Anonymous 1 may be right and all of a sudden your fat cells will stick.
    Best wishes, Norbert.

  4. I highly DO NOT recommend transfats. That is an A-ticket to diabetes and heart disease. If you need an extra boost, try weight gain supplements and oils with unsaturated fats (grapeseed oil, hazelnut oil, etc...)


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