So I'm back after a fairly long break. I make no apologies - life gets busy and takes priority over hobbies such as this. At any rate, here's what's happened since the last time I posted: I sprained my ankle, came down with a case of plantar fasciitis (which still plagues me), lost nine pounds in one month and then gained back twelve over the next month and a half.
...Which is okay. I'd be horrified if being fat scared me. My only concern is for my health which, with the exception of nagging heel pain, is still good in spite of being "obese class 1".
I am very much enjoying becoming a "fattie". It's impossible not to notice my belly - even when I suck it in. People are making more and more comments about how fat I'm getting (oddly, usually it's people who are as fat or fatter than me). I take every one as a compliment and as a sign that I'm making progress. I'm still not sure how fat I want to get. It's getting easier and easier to raise the bar now that I've got the belly for good. I can still remember, a long time ago, when the possibility of being 200 lbs seemed impossibly huge to me.
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