Tuesday, September 20, 2011

20 September 2011

So I'm back up to 185...well, the scale seems to be flipping between 184 and 186 so I'm averaging it out.

All I know is that I'm definitely starting to pack it back on again. Feeling solider than I have in awhile and the old belly's starting to round out in a way that's comforting and yet motivating.

Off to eat some more...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

11 September 2011


I honestly can't remember ever feeling this full and bloated...and excited!

I'm already up two pounds (though some of it food/bloat). Had an absolutely mindblowing time last night. I met up with another gainer and after talking for awhile, we got down to business. I don't think I've ever managed to eat as much as I did in one sitting last night. And we kept it up all night. Right now I feel like a snake who's eaten a rabbit and as bloated as I feel, I just want to keep eating so I can keep up the momentum!

It really *does* make a difference having someone there, cajoling and nagging you to have "just one more bite". And this guy knows what he's talking about - he's about my height but absolutely huge (300+)....and a freaking eating machine. I can only hope to be as big someday.

This experience has convinced me that a) if this guy can get as big as he as as quickly as he says he has, then there's hope for me...even if I take longer, I can still get up into the big numbers weightwise; b) looking at him, I can see myself getting bigger than I ever thought was possible and still having a life; c)it really, really helps to have someone there cheering you on.

All I can say is "thanks" and let's do this again sometime very soon!

And now...back to bed...to sleep and wake up just a little fatter than I was yesterday...

Friday, September 9, 2011

9 September 2011

Hello everyone...

Let me start this post by acknowledging that I may perhaps be the worst blogger on the face of the planet...followed closely by being the worst gainer around.

I accepted a temporary job up north and have been living completely "off the grid" since June. My living situation was such that I really didn't have regular (or, more importantly, PRIVATE) access to the internet. Food was so darned expensive...and not much variety...and much of it off limits to me (dietary restrictions)...that although I tried, I couldn't keep up the pace. I also worked my butt off (literally).

So I traded 20 pounds and three months of my life for a wad of money and a tan.

It's weird though - I still have more of a belly now at 182 than I did the last time I was this light. I appear to have lost fat from other places on my body more. Proportionately, I still look pretty big (or perhaps it's just wishful thinking on my part).

All I know is that I take solace in the fact that my belly still pushes my t-shirt out.

So, anyway, although it appears I'm doomed to continually gain, lose, and gain again the same freaking 20 pounds, I'm going to keep trying.

Words of encouragement most definitely welcome.