Saturday, January 14, 2012

14 January 2012

Hello everyone...

I AM still around. I just took a little break from the gaining for a couple of weeks.

Christmas was painful, to say the least. Christmas dinner was with the in-laws and the whole scene was just one huge illustration as to why it's SO much better to save one's pennies and simply flee to some tropical locale for the last two weeks of each year.

There was a LOT of food at the dinner and I ended up with two thin pieces of ham, some bad cole slaw, and mashed potatoes. There was so much food there that I simply couldn't eat because it had been made with things poisonous to me (gluten): perogies, cabbage rolls, scalloped cheese potatoes, etc. As soon as we showed up there I knew it was going to be a bad scene: there were plates and plates full of cookies and cheese and other treats and the only thing that was gluten free (or wasn't cross-contaminated with something with gluten in it) was the pickled fish. And even that...based on how wretched I felt the next morning...may have had a passing acquaintance with gluten. It was almost comical (at least it would have been had I not been so hungry) when the mother in law comes out with her only accomodation to me...I swear...possibly the only NON-celiac friendly rice crackers in the world.

Anyway, that's all I'm going to say about that...other than: next year I'm going to eat Christmas dinner at home and simply have drinks with the family.

Well, one more thing: Christmas is a very hard time of year for me. I don't know why. Nothing bad ever happened to me at Christmas. I just find the whole thing to be forced and filled with artificial joy. I could easily skip the whole mess and not miss it one bit.

So I fell off the "gaining train" for the last couple of weeks. In fact earlier this week I was at work feeling vague and fuzzy and having a hard time concentrating. For the longest time I couldn't figure out what was going on (thought I was getting sick). Then I realized I was hungry! It'd been so long since I was hungry I guess I forgot what it felt like. I started ramping up my food intake again and have been feeling better.

And for the record, I haven't actually gained any weight since my last post (still a solid 194) but at least have not lost any weight either.

This week I'm going to work on getting back into the swing of things...

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