Friday, August 17, 2012

17 August 2012

Well I'm back.  It was an interesting mosquito infested time.  But a good break that gave me lots and lots of time to think.

The bad news is in spite of doing everything I could while I was gone to maintain...I wasn't very good at it.  Tonight I'm down to 189.5. 

As Comic Book Guy would say: Worst...Gainer...Ever!!!

So I'm off to go have a sizeable dinner.

Also looking into supplementing with fenugreek.  I read some info on Xero Limits "Engorge" capsules and, because I can't seem to find a local supplier, am going to see if good old fenugreek supplements (which I WAS able to find, and which appear to be the main active ingredient of the "Engorge" capsules) will have any impact.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8 August 2012

Not much new to report.  Eating as much as I can though this damnable heat and humidity are making it really hard.  Not sure why summer is such an appetite killer.  We're getting collosal thunderstorms and pounding rain but the temperature just isn't dropping.  Even the nighttime temps are staying way up.  Weirdly warm winter followed by weirdly warm summer.  I really can't wait for the cooler weather to roll in (hopefully in a few weeks).

I'm going to "drop off the grid" for about a week.  No laptop, no internet, no phone service.  I'm packing as much food as I can reasonably carry (there's nowhere to restock).  I'm not sure how much gaining I'm able to do but hopefully I'll at least be able to maintain what I've got.

As of today I'm 193.

Interesting following the poll.  Now three people have suggested I lose it all.  Is it the same person voting three times?  Or is there really that significant a number of people following this blog who are truly against what I'm doing?  I guess I'm still baffled by the thought that someone would read a blog they disagreed with.  Feel free to drop me a line at and enlighten me.

I was contemplating today of making a game of the poll: the first option that gets 20 votes...that's what I'll gain to.  Whaddya all think?