Saturday, December 26, 2020

December 26, 2020

So the extract worked...for about two weeks I definitely felt hungrier.  I might even have gained a few pounds but it wasn't really worth writing home about.  Then it stopped having any noticeable effect so I stopped taking it. 

So much for the build up.  Sorry for the letdown. 

I've decided to get back to this the old fashioned way: food, food, and more food.  

This should all be easier now because a lot of the financial problems that were plaguing me have been settled.  I finally have enough money to pay my bills AND be able to buy all the food I like.   I think part of my problem is the boredom of just eating the same six things day in and day out so I'm going to try to get more creative with my meal planning.  And, of course, nutritionally balanced meals but with way more carbs than any one person should reasonably be expected to eat in a single sitting.  It works for sumo wrestlers.  It should also work for me. 

I'm making it clear to anyone who will listen that my New Year's resolution this year is to get fat(ter than I already am, which, at 5'6" tall and 200 pounds probably falls more into the definition of "chubby")

I normalizing this intention for the folks around me so they know what to expect and not be surprised when...and yes I'm salivating at the thought of this...I start getting noticeably bigger.  I want them to know that this is something I'm doing TO myself because this has always been something I've wanted FOR myself. 

Starting with what should be an epic early morning trip to the grocery store tomorrow, I'm heading into 2021 and leaving my current weight of 200 pounds in the dust...

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