Wednesday, February 8, 2012

8 February 2012


Actually, it's more the fact that there's so much salt in that stuff. I guess it really is meant to be a condiment and not a main dish.

A good experiment but I don't think I'll try that again. I'm going to stick to just putting a little bit in everything I eat, and eating more of everything in general...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

7 February 2012

So as of today I'm consistently weighing in at 196 pounds. And it shows - I'm overjoyed with the view when I look down and I can see how swollen my stomach is getting.

I'm back into gaining mode, trying to get back up over 200 pounds again so that I can start breaking new ground. This afternoon I ate some mashed potatoes with a half pound of butter (yes, I measured...this is no exaggeration).

So far feeling okay but going to take it easy for the next few hours just in case it's too much fat all at once (I still gag a little when I remember the liter of vegetable oil I once drank...and how gloriously I vomited for what felt like days...but I'm sure was only for a few hours).

I'm thinking of trying to consume more butter each day on top of what I regularly eat. I realize this sounds radical but remember that my diet is limited: very little fast food, not much in the way of donuts or cookies (where most other people get their fat overload from), no cake unless I feel like splurging for a $8 gluten free version of an 8"x8" sheet cake, etc.

Butter really is a cost effective solution. Of course it will be interesting to see how this will impact my cholesterol levels (I'm still not entirely convinced that intake of dietary fat is linked to elevated cholesterol...but I guess we'll find out)

Friday, February 3, 2012

3 February 2012

So as promised, here are some progress shots. I apologize for the primitive cutting and pasting - I'm using Paintbrush for this. It's not sophisticated but it gets the job done.

As you can see, I'm getting rounder. The top two pictures of the series are 190 and 195 pounds and the bottom, for comparison's sake, is what I looked like at 184 pounds.

I realize these aren't huge jumps in weight compared to what I was hoping for by this time (I should have been 210 pounds by now). The charts and graphs kind of went out the window after Christmas. With all the stuff that was taking up my time attention, I'm actually really pleased that I was able to make it to 195 without any real conscious effort on my part (other than eating as much as I could, as often as I could).

And although it's not a huge gain, I certainly do feel bigger. I'm starting to look thicker all over now but most of the extra mass is going to my belly. It's really getting heavy now, starting to hang down a bit. I love how wide my stomach is getting, how I'm finally properly filling out my XL t-shirts. I can totally see a time when they're going to be as tight on me as the L's are on me now.

And on the topic of clothing: I never did get out to buy new pants. Instead I compromised by moving the buttons on them. I gained an inch of waist size on them and put off the inevitable expenditure for a little while yet...though I'm not sure how much longer because they're already starting to feel tight again.

Anyway, I'm off to eat some more. While I'm pleased with my progress so I it feels to (finally!) be getting fat...I know I don't want to stop until I'm a LOT bigger than I am right now.