Saturday, November 16, 2013

16 November 2013

I'm still hanging in there at 199, which is an accomplishment in itself considering how much extra energy I'm expending at work.  We're heading into our busy season and my job entails a lot of physical labour.  I know if I quit this and got an office job I'd be packing on the pounds left and right (especially with how much I'm eating!) but I really like my job now and am willing to trade off a slower gain in order to keep it.

At the *very* least, my goal, until Christmas anyway, is to maintain what I've gained.  If I can manage to keep gaining, even if it's ever so slowly, I'll consider that a "win" because at least I'm not losing ground.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

  1. The antidote to slow gaining: colder weather, longer nights, more inside time, holiday food. No matter what, I gain this time of year - does this ring a bell with you?


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