Saturday, January 16, 2016

16 January 2016

And once again I've proven what a terrible blogger I truly am...

In the past four months my dog died.  And then my mother died.  It's been a rough time.

I'm back now though.  And I wish I could say in the intervening time that I'd stress eaten gained a ton of weight...but that would be a lie.  I'm still hovering around 200 pounds with the solid hope of getting bigger.

This coming week I've been volun-told that I have to spend a week in the office doing paperwork and I know that any time not spent on the work floor is generally a good time to gain.  I'm planning to stock up on snacks and stuff and see if I can put on a couple of pounds this week.

While I'm looking forward to the big gains, I think at this point I'm going to focus on whatever baby steps I can make.  Maybe by celebrating the small victories I can build up enough steam to tackle the bigger gains.

As always, words of encouragement are greatly appreciated.  Feel free to drop me a line at

Until later (hopefully not too much later!)...

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