Friday, April 6, 2018

6 April 2018

Well, I've had to go out and buy new pants. In case anyone's keeping score, I am now comfortably a size 44. 

I'm going to the Edmonton Grommoff "food crawl" tomorrow and decided to dress a little bit better than usual: black jeans and a nice dress shirt.  It's kind of crazy just how much bigger I look when I'm wearing clothes that actually fit instead of  my usual baggy t-shirts and track pants.

Looking in the mirror, I can't help but to think how awesome it is that my shoulders, arms, chest and belly are getting bigger by the moment because every day I consume roughly double the amount of calories recommended for someone my height and build. 

One of the things I'm working on is to increase how much food I can reasonably handle without making myself sick.  I'd love to be able to eat triple my basic caloric requirement every day because doing so would put the weight on faster and more consistently.   Admittedly I am not the most effective gainer, but seeing the progress I've made so far is really motivating me to step things up now.

I realize it's asking a lot of the Universe/Fate/whatever you want to call it, but I sure hope I'm able to connect with someone tomorrow who sees my potential and who will want to help me get a LOT bigger than I've been able to on my own.

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