Saturday, April 25, 2020

April 25, 2020

As I look at the date of the last post I made here I realize it's been two years.

After getting up to a 218 pounds (my all-time heaviest) I backslid down to just 189 pounds last fall after a particularly strenuous two week trip into the wilderness, though to be fair, I was only about 200 when I started the trip. . 

Although over the past six months or so I've worked my way back up to 200 pounds again I find I'm having a hard time making any real gains.

I'm trying a new experiment right now.  There's a particularly malevolent shrub that grows in temperate rainforest areas in Canada that is traditionally used as a weight loss remedy by Indigenous people.  I managed to get about a quarter pound of it, dried, and have made a tincture of it that I've been taking before each meal for the last ten days or so.

And you're probably asking yourself...what...why would he use something that promotes weight *loss*...?

Well, here's the kicker: use it for up to two weeks and yes, you do lose weight.  I am in fact down about four pounds since I started.

The punchline for anyone who's legitimately trying to lose weight is that it's said if you *keep* taking it for more than two weeks,  you gain back everything you lost, and then some.  One account says that caution should be used because prolonged use causes "excessive" weight gain.  I'm not sure what the author thinks is "excessive" but I guess I'm going to find out because I intend to keep taking this stuff for as long as my supply holds out, which should easily be two or three times longer than the recommended time one *should* take it...unless of course one's goal is to get as fat as possible.

I have reason to believe this will work - at 10 days into this experiment I only feel full now after eating about 1.5 times the food I usually eat at any given meal, and I only stay full for about an hour or so before I start feeling hungry again.  And the hunger is getting more intense.   If the anecdotal evidence can be believed,  in just a few days from now I will feel insatiable hunger regardless of when or how much I've just eaten.  This can only mean good things for someone whose fondest wish is to stretch his stomach out to epic proportions.

My belief is that once the biochemical "switch" in me that causes weight gain and insatiable appetite is finally, firmly clicked into the ON position, I'll fatten up in a hurry, and hopefully far beyond what I've been able manage so far. 

Wish me luck, people. And I'll keep you posted.

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