Thursday, February 19, 2009

19 Feb 2009

So as of today I'm 193 lbs. I think I look tubbier. I know I *feel* tubbier...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

15 February 09

As of yesterday I'm 192 lbs.

I have not developed the ravenous appetite (yet). Just been eating as I have been, which appears to be enough to cause a slow steady gain. I've definitely got the belly back that I had before Christmas and if anything, I think it's a little bigger than before. I know. This isn't exactly news.

I'm feeling a little frustrated at my lack of progress. I'm not sure what to expect from this tincture. I can feel a difference but it's subtle. I know that about an hour after taking it I get hungry. This could be all in my mind - I know it's still too early to get the "ravenous hunger" that's supposed to set in about Week 3 (I've only been taking this for about ten days and I'm not even sure if I'm taking enough).

I'm kind of excited to think about what could happen. What would it be like, for example, to gain 20 lbs in a month? And what if I was able to that up for, say, three months?

All of the sudden I'd be 250 lbs. No question about it, I'd be (at least for me) really fat. Just like that.

It's something to think about...

Monday, February 9, 2009

9 February 09

Well it's been five days since I started with the tincture.

I've been upping it to one teaspoon per day, with a water chaser. I think I'm going to have to strain out the bits and just premix the stuff with water. It's just too alcoholic and I find I don't like the way it burns all the way down.

As for effects...well, when I run my hand over my belly, it's definitely feeling fuller and firmer than it was before, kind of like the gain you get after a few days of bingeing. I haven't really been doing anything different, just eating when I'm hungry.

The only thing that really feels different is that now, when I get hungry, I'm instantly starving. When I eat, however, it only takes a regular amount of food to make me feel full.

I haven't really been keeping track of exactly how much I'm eating as compared to before. I suspect I'm eating reasonable amounts of food...but more often throughout the day.

This would explain why it feels like I'm getting rounder. Which I guess means this approach is working (yaay!) What's weird is that I haven't noticed any appetite dampening effects, which is in all the literature. My appetite appears to be normal, or if anything, a little enhanced.

Should be very interesting to see what happens in a few weeks when my appetite is supposed to go into overdrive and the real gaining begins.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4 February

And so the experiment begins...

Although the tincture has only be brewing for 24 hours I decided to have a taste. And let me tell you, it's bad. Think of the worst Scotch you've ever had. Then add some cat pee. And you might be close.

I tried a half a teaspon and I'm glad I didn't have any more. It really, really burned. I'm thinking it's because of the EverClear (90% pure alcohol). Once the tincture is ready, I think I'm going to strain it and dilute by 50% because I don't think my tongue could handle another hit like that.


On another note, comments for this blog are moderated. This means any comments left stay in limbo until I log into my e-mail account and give them the "okay". So if you leave a comment and you don't see it right away...never fear. It'll show up eventually. Unless it's truly mean or viciously ignorant. Then I'll just delete it. Well, I might privately mock you first.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3 February 2009

Wow...where is the time's February already!

I'm still stuck on my plateau. I've been eating lots, though not as much as I was in November. I'm excercising a lot too, which is probably working against me. I find if I don't exercise enough I feel really awful and this time of year I need to do everything I can to fight off the depression that comes from it being fully dark by 5 pm every night.

So I'm going to try an experiment that sounds quite promising.

There is an herb from Native lore that can be used for weight loss for a short time. It apparently kills the appetite, you don't want to eat, and you drop some pounds as a result.

I know, you're thinking "weight loss, what the heck is this guy talking about?"

Well, here's the thing. It's documented that after two or three weeks of ingesting this stuff on a daily basis there's a dramatic reversal, you get a ravenous appetite and not only do you regain everything you lost up to that point, but you gain a bunch more weight on top of that.

I couldn't find any research to say how much more but they do say it's enough that anyone using this herb to diet excessively is in for a big surprise.

There's also research that suggests that this herb actually changes the body's metabolism and encourages it to store more of what is eaten as fat.

Anyway, I'm not divulging what this herb is for a couple of reasons. The first is because it's not a controlled substance and is known for other health benefits in the holistic healing world, cannot be cultivated well as a crop (is only found in a few wilderness habitats) and as a result is in danger of being over harvested.

The second is this: I'm reasonably comfortable with the risks involved but I sure as heck don't want someone who reads this to try it, have a bad reaction or something and be injured as a result of something I've written.

Anyway, I'll keep you all posted as to how this turns out.

For starters, tonight I managed to secure about three ounces of the dried plant. I'm going to attempt to make a tincture from it with alcohol (Everclear was all I could find that would fit the bill). So we'll see what happens...