Sunday, February 15, 2009

15 February 09

As of yesterday I'm 192 lbs.

I have not developed the ravenous appetite (yet). Just been eating as I have been, which appears to be enough to cause a slow steady gain. I've definitely got the belly back that I had before Christmas and if anything, I think it's a little bigger than before. I know. This isn't exactly news.

I'm feeling a little frustrated at my lack of progress. I'm not sure what to expect from this tincture. I can feel a difference but it's subtle. I know that about an hour after taking it I get hungry. This could be all in my mind - I know it's still too early to get the "ravenous hunger" that's supposed to set in about Week 3 (I've only been taking this for about ten days and I'm not even sure if I'm taking enough).

I'm kind of excited to think about what could happen. What would it be like, for example, to gain 20 lbs in a month? And what if I was able to that up for, say, three months?

All of the sudden I'd be 250 lbs. No question about it, I'd be (at least for me) really fat. Just like that.

It's something to think about...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, "Jake":
    I'm sorry that you are frustrated that you aren't gaining faster, tough you picture looks good. From what I know, to gain you have to eat even if you are not hungry. And you are waiting for "ravenous hunger", eat a bit more without it!
    In a different vein, did you know that peanut butter has lots of calories, is cheap and also healthy (compared to junk food)?
    I'm expecting good gaining news from you soon, you are certainly trying.


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