Monday, September 24, 2012

24 September 2012

Just checking in - not much change in weight.  If anything, I appear to be developing some awesome muscles, especially in my abdomen, shoulders, and legs, from the intense and crazy workouts I'm doing everyday as part of this job.  There is literally constant, rapid movement required that requires hucking 13 pound boxes of stuff or else pushing 600 pound carts of stuff for literally miles around the building for the entire shift.  What's more awesome...?  In spite of the fact that the position was officially downgraded to parttime, it's still fulltime hours (thank goodness I'm paid by the hour).

But I'm not complaining.  Some of the extra money will be invested in in the end it will all work out.

I'm still holding fast weight-wise...above 190 (and I plan to keep it that way).  I've been adding all kinds of extras such as cookies, almonds, chocolate bars, chips...really anything caloric and portable.  I know I should be trying for healthy alternatives but right now I'm getting lazy and going for what's easy.  Once I get the weight on, I can be a little more choosy about what I consume.

Everyday I also manage to get in a half can of coconut milk onto my rice.  I've upgraded to the good stuff: pure coconut milk and not the crap with the gum fillers and preservatives.  It really does seem to be making a difference.  And it sure tastes better than the cheap crap.  It really IS worth spending a dollar more for a can of it.

I've also pretty much cleaned out the local market of the Ensure Plus 355 calorie stuff.  It's on sale now, I guess because the rumours are true and it truly HAS been discontinued.  They're starting to stock the high protein alternative instead.  Which is sad.

Still working a bit with the fenugreek.  It does appear to be working as intended.  The only downside is the fact that I was ingesting so much that my sweat was starting to smell like rancid salad dressing.  So I've cut back a bit on the fenugreek tea.

I'm going to start experimenting with a few other things. I tried a strong fennel seed tea.  Fennel is supposed to relax your digestive system.  I'm not sure if there's a connection (ie. if it's sedative for the rest of you as well) but last week I had some of the tea around noon, went to bed at one, and slept so hard that I was late for my midnight shift.  It's been a long time since I've slept a full 11 hours...

The are a few other foodbased supplements I'm going to try - I just need to get my hands on them (some need to be special ordered)'s finally cooling off here.  I always find it SO much easier to overeat when it's not scorching, sweaty hot outside. 

So that's really all there is to report right now.  I'll keep you posted.  I'm looking forward to when I can post more pictures.  Right now there just isn't anything new to see.

Monday, September 10, 2012

10 September 2012 Part II

Well, so far so good.  The fenugreek hasn't made me sick or anything.  Just slept eight hours and now up for a large breakfast.  I've made half again as much as I usually eat.  I'm going to try and increase all the portion sizes of everything I eat, as well as adding as many extras in as I can.  I've concluded the small additions every day can add up to big gains down the road (I guess something for people to remember if they ever tried to actually lose weight)!

I've changed my approach to the fenugreek seed.  Like I said...that stuff tastes just nasty on its own.  Tonight I ground some up, boiled some in water until it was thick, strained the mess out and then drank the resulting liquid with sugar and lemon juice.  Didn't taste too bad, though there was a weird medicinal taste afterwards.  Still, a LOT better than trying to simply eat it by itself or mixed with coconut.

Do I feel hungrier or less bloated?  I'm not sure.  I'm going to try this for a week or two and see.  I'm all up for anything that will help me consume more calories.   Although I've enjoyed being heavier the last few years, in truth, I've never even come close to being as big as I've always wanted to be. I am excited to think of what it's going to be like as I get bigger.

With respect to the job change - I did manage to get a temporary assignment but the joke apparently is on me because 3/4 of the job I'm not qualified to do (though it's easy enough to learn).  I must be officially trained in the position and by the time they locate someone to (officially!) do it, the assignment will be over.  So, for all intents and purposes, the new job is essentially identical to the old one.  Meh.  At least the pay is good and the work is easy.

10 September 2012

Today is the official start of the new diet!

I just had a (somewhat disgusting) smoothie that involved coconut milk and powdered fenugreek seed.  I sincerely need to tweak that recipe.  Or else get some empty capsules and fill them with fenugreek and just swallow them. I've decided I'm not a big fan of the taste of it. 

On the plus side, I just nailed over a thousand calories in one shot and so far not feeling too bad considering the huge amount of fat I've just eaten.  Is the fenugreek helping?  Or is it all in my mind?

I've been crunching the numbers and have decided it's all in the details.  There's a gigantic difference (no pun intended) between eating 3500 calories vs. 4000 calories per day.  That extra 500 calories (one large chocolate bar, for example) makes the difference between being 213 pounds by Christmas...or being 229 pounds. 

If I could get my caloric intake up to 5000 calories per day (and keep it up every single day) I'd actually be 261 pounds by New Year's Eve.  While a 70 pound gain in less than three months would be mindblowingly awesome...I also think it would be extraordinarily hard on my body.

I think I'm going to aim for about the middle of the road at 3850.  I estimate it's about 1000 calories more per day than I strictly need.   That's going to equate to about 2 pounds per week.  Not glamorous but certainly do-able. 

I just need to be able to keep up the pace because that's the only way I'm going to get results!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

2 September 2012

So I've gained back 4.5 pounds and am now at 193.  I'm finding this yoyo-ing crazymaking.

I blame my job.  I've managed to draw the "short straw" for the last little while and as a result have been doing what is likely the most strenuous job in the building.  Part of the problem is that I'm working with a large number of people who are in love with the paycheque but who really aren't all that invested in applying themselves.  As low man on the totem pole, I don't really have much control over where I work. 

That being said...

I've put in a bid for a short term change (with a chance of being there permanently if I don't screw up too badly) for a more sedentary position.  If I get it, and keep my caloric intake at my current level, I'm going to blow up big.

The only other alternative is to try and eat even more. of both worlds: eat more, do less...and get even bigger even faster.

And it appears the public has spoken via the poll: that majority of you want to see me get really, really fat. 

I'm glad we're on the same page.