Monday, September 10, 2012

10 September 2012 Part II

Well, so far so good.  The fenugreek hasn't made me sick or anything.  Just slept eight hours and now up for a large breakfast.  I've made half again as much as I usually eat.  I'm going to try and increase all the portion sizes of everything I eat, as well as adding as many extras in as I can.  I've concluded the small additions every day can add up to big gains down the road (I guess something for people to remember if they ever tried to actually lose weight)!

I've changed my approach to the fenugreek seed.  Like I said...that stuff tastes just nasty on its own.  Tonight I ground some up, boiled some in water until it was thick, strained the mess out and then drank the resulting liquid with sugar and lemon juice.  Didn't taste too bad, though there was a weird medicinal taste afterwards.  Still, a LOT better than trying to simply eat it by itself or mixed with coconut.

Do I feel hungrier or less bloated?  I'm not sure.  I'm going to try this for a week or two and see.  I'm all up for anything that will help me consume more calories.   Although I've enjoyed being heavier the last few years, in truth, I've never even come close to being as big as I've always wanted to be. I am excited to think of what it's going to be like as I get bigger.

With respect to the job change - I did manage to get a temporary assignment but the joke apparently is on me because 3/4 of the job I'm not qualified to do (though it's easy enough to learn).  I must be officially trained in the position and by the time they locate someone to (officially!) do it, the assignment will be over.  So, for all intents and purposes, the new job is essentially identical to the old one.  Meh.  At least the pay is good and the work is easy.

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