Monday, September 24, 2012

24 September 2012

Just checking in - not much change in weight.  If anything, I appear to be developing some awesome muscles, especially in my abdomen, shoulders, and legs, from the intense and crazy workouts I'm doing everyday as part of this job.  There is literally constant, rapid movement required that requires hucking 13 pound boxes of stuff or else pushing 600 pound carts of stuff for literally miles around the building for the entire shift.  What's more awesome...?  In spite of the fact that the position was officially downgraded to parttime, it's still fulltime hours (thank goodness I'm paid by the hour).

But I'm not complaining.  Some of the extra money will be invested in in the end it will all work out.

I'm still holding fast weight-wise...above 190 (and I plan to keep it that way).  I've been adding all kinds of extras such as cookies, almonds, chocolate bars, chips...really anything caloric and portable.  I know I should be trying for healthy alternatives but right now I'm getting lazy and going for what's easy.  Once I get the weight on, I can be a little more choosy about what I consume.

Everyday I also manage to get in a half can of coconut milk onto my rice.  I've upgraded to the good stuff: pure coconut milk and not the crap with the gum fillers and preservatives.  It really does seem to be making a difference.  And it sure tastes better than the cheap crap.  It really IS worth spending a dollar more for a can of it.

I've also pretty much cleaned out the local market of the Ensure Plus 355 calorie stuff.  It's on sale now, I guess because the rumours are true and it truly HAS been discontinued.  They're starting to stock the high protein alternative instead.  Which is sad.

Still working a bit with the fenugreek.  It does appear to be working as intended.  The only downside is the fact that I was ingesting so much that my sweat was starting to smell like rancid salad dressing.  So I've cut back a bit on the fenugreek tea.

I'm going to start experimenting with a few other things. I tried a strong fennel seed tea.  Fennel is supposed to relax your digestive system.  I'm not sure if there's a connection (ie. if it's sedative for the rest of you as well) but last week I had some of the tea around noon, went to bed at one, and slept so hard that I was late for my midnight shift.  It's been a long time since I've slept a full 11 hours...

The are a few other foodbased supplements I'm going to try - I just need to get my hands on them (some need to be special ordered)'s finally cooling off here.  I always find it SO much easier to overeat when it's not scorching, sweaty hot outside. 

So that's really all there is to report right now.  I'll keep you posted.  I'm looking forward to when I can post more pictures.  Right now there just isn't anything new to see.

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