Saturday, December 27, 2008

27 December 2008

Well, I may be the only person in history who actually *lost* weight over the Christmas holidays...


I appear to be down six pounds over the last month (186, currently) and trust me, it's not for lack of eating.

That "casual" Christmas job turned out to be a full time, non-stop, bucket slinging, cart pushing and generally moving-as-fast-as-you-can-without-getting-wound-up-in-the-machines kind of gig.

A job where feeding, sadly, means loading product into really long machines, untangling the bits that get shredded, and then bombing buckets of the finished product onto pallets that maniacal forklift drivers take...somewhere...I"m not sure where and never really asked and it was never apparent because the building I was working in was so big it had an internal horizon complete with vanishing points. I was mostly concerned with not getting run over by said forklift drivers.

But it's done...for now...though I suspect the layoff is temporary and solely so that the Corporate Entity (I'm not mentioning any names because I don't want to get "Dooced", however, it's larger and more complex than the governments of many small countries) doesn't have to pay for Christmas Day and New Year's Day as a general holiday.

I won't be sad to go back because I suspect Christmas is the busy time (which is why they hired casuals in the first place) and the people all appear to be quite nice to each other there and the money's good.

I'll have to learn to pace myself, though...all the floor workers are thin and sinewy (from the bucket slinging). Should prove to be an interesting gainer challenge.

Other good news is that I appear to have lost mass mostly on my butt and thighs...which is okay because I'm not really gunning to have a big butt. My belly appears to have survived the experience mostly intact.

It seems to me that when I gain fast, the weight tends to settle more in my belly so if I really work at it over the next few weeks, I could end up with an even bigger belly at 192lbs this time than I did the last time I was 192lbs. Talk about a blessing in disguise.

And an interesting experiment. I'm glad I've been keeping track with pictures.

I'll keep you posted as to the results.

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