Tuesday, December 27, 2011

27 December 2011

Happy holidays...whatever you celebrate...

That being said, I'm so happy Christmas is over again for another year. I know. Bah humbug and all that...

Without going into the gory details, suffice to say that it's a special kind of torture doing the rounds of the family's houses and being presented with trays and trays piled high with delicacies that one cannot enjoy due to dietary restrictions (gluten). And there's nothing sadder than leaving Christmas dinner hungry because of a miscommunication with respect to ingredients.

Ah well. This too shall pass...hopefully next year will be different.

A quick update: still 194. It seems that when I leave the structure and routine of work, my own special diet falls by the wayside.

Now I've got to see what I can do to fix that.

Monday, December 19, 2011

19 December 2011

Well, I'm pretty consistently 194 now.

The gain is progressing. Mind you, it's not going as quickly as I'd like...but that being said, it's giving me time to get used to being heavier.

I'm getting into the groove of eating a lot more. Now if I skimp and fall short of my basic needs, I get super starvingly hungry. It's an excellent reminder to keep eating.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to work at ways of increasing my intake back to the recommended values on the spreadsheet. When I set up the spreadsheet, I was aiming for 1/3 of a pound gained per day. The reality over the last few weeks has been closer to 1/10 of a pound.

Which, when I think hard about it doesn't make a lot of sense because I've gained at least 10 pounds in the last seven weeks. Then again, math was never one of my strengths.

I guess let's just leave it at this: I'm going to try to eat more and let's see what happens...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

14 December 2011

Well, it appears my extra efforts over the last few days are paying off. I'm currently 193...and gaining fast...

I'm not sure if I'm going to catch up to where I should be according to the spreadsheet (or if I should even try) but I'm pleased that there's been quite a bit of progress this week.

The clothes I bought last spring (when I was heavier) are finally fitting properly now. It's just a matter of time, though, before I have to replace them with bigger sizes.

I had a good look at myself in the mirror the other day and I can tell you that I'm definitely starting to get "thicker" all over....though it's still mostly coming in as belly fat.

Working the physically demanding job that I am right now has definitely changed HOW I'm gaining. Before, at this weight, I was just getting sort of blobby. This time around the fat is very firm, well defined. The fat is sitting on a layer of muscle and as far as I'm concerned, I'm really loving the look. I can't wait to see how things develop as I get heavier.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

10 December 2011

So its been exactly a year since that infamous post that included the picture of me at 202 pounds...the post whose link was embedded in the reddit.com article.

Sadly to say, I'm still 11 pounds shy of being that big this year. I'm solidly at 191 pounds and have been for a few days now.

The spreadsheet says I should be edging up to 195...and while I'm disappointed with my slower than expected progress, I'm not kicking myself too hard about it either. It's been busy and the fact that I've at least managed maintain what I've gained lately is, as far as I'm concerned, a pretty decent accomplishment.

My whole circadian rhythm is seriously messed up. I'm having my first coffee of the day at nearly 5pm. I haven't slept since yesterday. And it's already dark outside. It feels like it should either be 11 pm or early morning....anything but late afternoon.

And it's weird...even though the scale hasn't shown any movement for awhile, all of the sudden all my pants are too tight. I think my body's still trying to figure out where to put all this extra fat.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted (when there's something new to say!)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

6 December 2011

So I appear to be backsliding a little bit. I'm closer to 190 now. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm having to choose between sleeping and eating (and sleep is winning out). It's hard to get the required amount of calories in when there's only so many awake hours in the day.

Also, I might be underestimating my daily caloric needs. I've been put into a more physically strenuous department at work and I'm literally working up a sweat unloading these icy cold trailers. I may have to investigate some other more easily accessible sources of calories.

...or else learn to eat in my sleep...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

1 December 2011

So I'm up to 192...and very definitely showing it.

Used to be my t-shirts would just hang down. Now they take a detour around my belly..which feels swollen all the time now and very firm. I think I'm to the point where the skin there is starting to stretch again.

I wonder at what weight the stretch marks will make themselves known?