Wednesday, October 2, 2013

2 October 2013

Well, it's Day 2 of my fresh start.  What a difference it makes not to have to hide anymore or feel guilty about hiding what I'm doing!

I've been going pretty much non-stop now...always staying full but *not* overeating to the point of making myself sick.

I hope to gradually train my body to expect around 4500 calories a day...but I'm not planning to force the issue.  I'm just going keep trying to eat a little bit more each meal, try to add a few more snacks in between, and make sure to have a fairly large snack...800 calories or so...just before bedtime.  The goal is for a 2-3 pound a week gain...but at this point, I'd be happy even with a pound a week if it means I'm getting bigger.

I know it's still early on in my (most recent...but this time ultimately successful!) gain but, after eating I swear I can feel that itch starting up under the skin of my belly...the one that says I'm already starting to gain weight...

I still plan to document the process, taking photos at five pound intervals if only just to say "hey, remember when I was only *that* big"!

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