Friday, September 26, 2014

26 September 2014

I've ramped up my food intake to my reasonable limits and, barring any unforeseen circumstance, plan to keep working at extending those limits as far as I can.  Ideally, if I could eventually get myself to eating double the amount that I eat now on a daily basis, I could really start to pack on the pounds.  Even after I've managed to get where I need to in terms of weight...and I've decided that this is going to be a LOT more in finding the exact limit of just how big I can get and still manage to function...I know if  I'm to maintain it, I'm going to have to eat like a champion for as long as I want to maintain my new body size.

It's odd just how hungry I am in spite of the fact that I just had a large bowl of rice topped with a hefty chunk of butter.  I really do think a lot of this is in the mind. It's like suddenly everything's okay, the last of the emotional hurdles have been cleared, and now it's just a technical matter of getting fat as quickly and efficiently as possible.

And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to experiencing all the profound changes that are about to start happening for real...after so many years of only dreaming about doing this.

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