Thursday, September 18, 2014

18 September 2014

What a busy and complicated summer it's been!  I've been everywhere from Ottawa to Victoria and a number of really strange places in between and as a result haven't had time to update this blog.

So update: I've backslid a tiny bit.  Currently weighing in at 203 pounds.  Again, though I'm sure I say this too much already, although I haven't managed to get bigger lately, I also haven't allowed myself to backslide too much either.  I really do consider it a WIN that I've been able, approximately, to maintain my current bulk considering how hard it can be to eat gluten free when travelling.

I had a bad scene happen early August when I paid to eat at a communal kitchen at a festival I was at.  Five days of getting progressively sicker because the people cooking, who solemnly swore up front they knew how to keep me safe from gluten, either didn't know as much as they thought they did about the issue, or else had no idea just how sensitive I am to gluten and cross contamination.  It took me weeks...literally recover from that.  Imagine getting a second degree burn down the length of your intestines and you'll get a vague idea of what I'm talking about.  It. Was. Bad.

Anyway, I'm recovered now and digesting normally (yay!)...

It seems lately that a lot of things are aligning in surprising and pleasing ways: I'm experiencing employment stability as a result of being hired on as a permanent employee (with the income and benefits to match), that my other half is aware and okay with the fact that I'm doing everything in my power to be fat, that my circle of friends, though not specifically aware that I'm gaining on purpose, aren't being too judgy about the fact that I'm noticeably bigger every time they see me, and that I'm starting to connect with other folks in the gainer community in ways that I sincerely hope will end up being mutually supportive.

I know I've probably said this before, but I really DO think this will be The Year of the Big Gain.

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