Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Rolling right along...

As of today I'm a hefty 211 pounds!

For awhile there I was gaining a pound every three days.  I've slowed down a bit just because eating that much food, gaining that fast, it's really hard to do on a sustained basis.

I must be doing something right though...the weight is still creeping on quickly enough that I'm *very* happy with my progress so far.  After so many weeks of forcing myself to eat 4000 + calories per day it's become habitual to eat this way now.  Which is a good thing - it's taking more and more calories to maintain my size as I'm getting bigger. In order to *stay* big, I've got to *eat* big.

My belly is starting to stick wayyy out now and I find myself running into things with it, mostly at work where there's narrow passageways and lots of mazelike areas to navigate.  It's distracting as hell every time it happens and I have a feeling it's just going to get to be more of an ongoing concern as my stomach expands into the huge and heavy belly I'm working so hard to acquire.  I suppose eventually I'm going to get used to having that much body mass...but for right now it's strange having to relearn how to move through various spaces without crashing into things.  Which is funny because I haven't even gained that much weight. Yet.

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