Thursday, November 20, 2008

20 November 2008

So I started a blog here almost exactly two years ago titled "Diary of a Gainer". I posted for a bit, got busy, and then dropped off the face of the planet. Which is sad because in the short time I was posting I actually managed to acquire a fan.

Amazingly, the blog is still out there. Frustratingly, I can no longer access it because I have forgotten the password in the intervening time. The tiny scrap of paper I actually wrote the password down on is, also, long gone.

You would think it would be easy enough to retrieve said lost password through Blogspot but alas I lack the skills, intelligence and perserverence to do so. I think I spelled something wrong there.

That being said, welcome to Dairy of a Gainer 2.

Progress so far: I managed at one point in the last couple of years to get my weight up to about 187lbs. Then I got a really intense job and dropped to about 170 lbs. Gained some back, lost some again. Was about 172 back in July of this year. Started gaining in earnest since then.

Weighed myself tonight for the first time in awhile and was mightily pleased to discover that I am now a whopping 190 lbs!

I knew I was getting up there because I've already had to buy new pants to accomodate my growing belly. Even back at 165 lbs I was referred to as "chubby" (I'm not very tall). I think I'm now starting to tread into "fat" territory.

I know, I know. That doesn't sound like much compared to some people but for me it's a personal best. I've been trying since, like, forever to break the 200 lb mark. It's hard to believe I'm a mere 10 pounds away from that now. With even moderate gains, I could manage it by Christmas.

I'm suddenly feeling so much more motivated.

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