Monday, November 24, 2008

So what I'm doing must be working - I clocked in at 192 lbs this evening. I realize the picture on the bottom is quite similar to my side view at 190 lbs but I do think it shows I've filled out just that little bit more...
The picture on the top is a front view taken tonight. It's un-freaking-believable that I'm getting so tubby so fast!
I look at that picture and I'm starting to see the fat guy I was meant to be instead of a guy who's always just been dreaming about being fat.
And it's funny how the fatter I become, the even fatter I want to get. I never in my life thought I'd be this obese but at the same time it feels natural, like I was always supposed to look this way. I *like* the way my belly feels so heavy, the way it feels when I move, how thick I'm getting all over. I can see myself getting a lot rounder than this and still being a-okay.
My body seems to agree because even though I ate so incredibly much yesterday, by 5 pm tonight I was *starving*. I just ate a pile of food before I started blogging and to be truthful, could actually go back for another helping. I think I will because only way to build on what I've accomplished so far is to keep eating as much as I can.
I wonder when I'll get my first shocked comment of "oh my God look how fat you've become!"?
I can't wait...

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