Wednesday, November 26, 2008

26 November 2008

It's been interesting times...

Yesterday I went out for lunch with another local gainer/encourager. It was the first time I've ever (knowingly) met another gainer. He was a very pleasant person (startlingly normal!) and I found it somewhat surreal to be speaking of things like this to someone I've never met before...and to be doing it in an insanely crowded food court at a shopping mall. I'm not sure what the ladies at the next table overheard (and I guess I don't really care). At any rate, it was a good meeting and gives me hope that perhaps we could set up a local regular gathering of like minds. After discovering a fellow soul so close to my own home/work, I'm starting to believe there are a lot more of us out there than I first realized.

The other interesting (nay, bizarre) thing that happened today involved my parter. We've been together for nine years now. I'll call him "Floyd" because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be comfortable with me using his real name here. I'm not actually "out" to Floyd about gaining. When we first got together - our very first date in fact - I made it clear that I found heavy guys extremely attractive. It's relevent because he's actually quite big himself (300+ lbs). Now to be clear, he's *not* a gainer - he's just big. I suspect he's always been mystified that I could find him attractive because he believes his being fat makes him somehow *less* attractive.

One time, quite a few years ago I suggested how neat it would be if I gained a few pounds myself (I was about 165 lbs at the time). He said he didn't think that would be a good idea because it's not healthy to be fat. So...I never really did anything about it except for small gains here and there.

Now that I've decided to go for it and am getting visibly fatter and fatter...he hasn't said anything either good or bad. But then this morning (and here's the point of this story), he reached over and rubbed my belly as if to say "I see this and I want you to know I see it". But not in a bad way - and trust me, he's blunt enough that if he's thinking it, he'll pretty much say it. So now I'm thinking that maybe he's actually just a little bit turned on by this too...

At any rate, eventually I'm going to get fat enough that it's going to be impossible to ignore (heck, as far as I'm concerned, it already is). I figure that 's when "the conversation" is going to happen. Wish me luck...

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