Friday, November 28, 2008

28 November 2008

So for a variety of reasons (which I won't bore you with here), my worklife has been thrown into chaos. It's good chaos but chaos nevertheless. Due to factors beyond my control, my workplace will be doubling in size. The timing is crazy in light of the fact that the world appears to be on the cusp of a financial heart attack known as a "recession" but sometimes when the Universe throws you a bone, you've got to take it no matter how big the bone is compared to the size of your mouth.

At any rate I don't deal well with change, especially when it involves a great deal of tedious work with spreadsheets, throwing around large sums of money don't technically exist have yet, and having my personal finances being so intimately affected by global economic trends (Canadian/US dollar exchange rate...bah!).

Next week is going to be an orgy of cleaning up fossilized cat pee (the place we're moving to had a tomcat on site - don't ask...the back story on that will just make you sad. Suffice to say the cat is living in a real home now and as far as I've heard, much happier), painting, painting, oh, did I say "painting" yet? And then moving large, heavy yet very breakable objects. Yaaay.

If I sound like I'm complaining...well, I'm not. Not really. This change has been something the company has desperately needed for years. The timing sucks but the overall net effect will be for the good.

What this means for my gaining, however...

Well, let me tell you that working 10 and 12 hour days is *not* conducive to gaining, especially since I don't have ready access to great rafts of food and work with people to whom I am most definitely *not* out to about this.

Yesterday I grazed heavily on cookies and donuts and only managed a real meal after I got home at 10 pm. I feel somewhat wretched because of this - I've got to plan better I guess.

So the focus for the next week or two is simply to maintain what I've managed to gain so far so that I don't drop my weight like a rock because I've forgotten to eat.

On the plus side, with all the manual labour coming up next week I hope to gain a bit more muscle mass. There will also be time to get used to my growing bulk. Every time I bend over, there's this resistance across my abdomen because my belly is getting big enough to let itself be known. Every time I move a certain way I can feel my belly straining against my shirt like it never did before. Everytime my belly brushes against something that it would have cleared even a month ago, I am reminded of how much bigger I'm getting.

I figure even if I take a week or so off from actively gaining, I should still make my goal of 200 lbs before Christmas - especially seeing as Christmas is pretty much *the* time to overindulge and pack a few on.

Anyway, wish me luck, gentle reader, so that I may survive and prosper over the next few weeks...

I will blog as I can but probably won't be able to with the same frequency I have been. My apologies but life really has become a cycle of working like a crazy guy, sleeping, and eating whatever I can lay my hands on. I can't wait until January when, hopefully, things will settle down enough for me to concentrate on continued growth.

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