Sunday, November 23, 2008

23 November

It's just shy of midnight Sunday night. I have achieved my goal (trust me, this gaining stuff isn't for the faint of heart)...

I've managed to consume 6384 calories in a single day. This is probably not much of an achievement for some world class eaters but for me...erg...that's a lot of food. According to my calculations, this should result in a 1.01 pound gain - probably mostly to my belly. I believe it because, holy cow, am I ever feeling solidly full. I really should drink some water to help all this along.

Oddly enough, I was able to do it for less than $15 because none of it was fast food or even pre-packaged/processed foods.

The bulk of what I ate was rice (Calrose glutinous rice) because I know the carbs are good for gaining and also a 1 litre container of whipping cream. The cream was the biggest expense ($5) but also really calorie dense (3000 calories alone) as well as really, really high in fat. Goes down really easy though...I just finished a half a litre and I feel like I could drink a whole bunch more.

By noon I had eaten the first part of the rice and the first half of the cream and I already had my entire daily recommended caloric intake - after that it was all icing on the cake, so to speak.

I know I'm just not physically capable of doing this every single day (can you imagine gaining 365 pounds in a year?), however, now that I've got things rolling and I'm on a gaining arc, I think if I maintain a comfortable 1200 calories extra per day this week, I should easily see another couple of pounds before the end of the month (on top of what I just did today...yaay!)

Well, it's off to bed so that all those calories can work their magic...

1 comment:

  1. Very nice .... eating large amounts will become easier as time goes on. You have to stretch your stomach, just as if you were stretching before you were to run. Keep it up!


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