Sunday, November 13, 2011

12 November 2011

Well, technically it's realllly early on November 13th. Meh. Whatever.

I've managed to stay on course: total of 3905 calories today (1151 more than I need to simply maintain this weight).

I've been weighing myself throughout the day and the consistent number appears to be far. I realize it's a good idea to weigh one's self in the morning, however, right now my schedule is really wonky. It's 3 am right now and feels like a really dark midafternoon. This is in no way related to my gaining but completely the fault of the fact that I am currently doing shift work.

And, although this is certainly NOT optimal or anything to aspire to, at least I'm getting a side benefit from this: studies have shown that scattered schedules, working night shift, and sleeping irregular hours raises cortisol levels and promotes weight gain. Of course, so does eating a whole pile of food everyday. Between the two, I fully expect to become quite a bit fatter over the next few months.

I'm already getting "thicker" overall and my belly is more prominent every day. At first it was just the little roll of fat under my navel but as of a few days ago, it's taking on that "all over" roundness it had before. The job I currently have requires a lot of heavy lifting and the my increased abdominal muscle mass is definitely having an impact on the overall shape of my belly. It looks like, at this rate at least, I'm headed for a "ball gut".

Which is a-okay with me.

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