Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dear reddit...

Dear Reddit Moderators:

I just posted an "Iama" on your site. I am one and the same person. Hope this constitutes valid proof.

Dear Everyone Else: please ignore the first two sentences of today's blog.

So as of right now I'm still down two pounds (182). The human body is a complicated machine and I freely admit I'm not even close to understanding how it works. Either that or I need to invest in a less crappy scale.

All I know is that I have to keep on going (with what some would say "dogged determination"). This is all just a numbers game: keep the net calories over the plus side of zero (or the break even point between what it takes to maintain and what it takes to actually gain) and stuff DOES happen. Eventually. I know this from past experience.

And I can definitely start feeling some changes. They're minor right now, but my belly is definitely firming up and feeling denser. I've got a ways to go yet before things need to start stretching again - I've got a lot of loose skin still from the last time I gained and lost it. I'm just tired of having this sad, flabbly little remembrance of the belly I had last year...and I'm looking forward to the time when I grow well beyond that size.

Anyway, the stats for today (for you numbers junkies out there) are as follows:
2993 total calories consumed, which is 258 more than I need to maintain my weight. This translates in to a gain of about 7% of a pound (how many ounces is that? Not many, but hey, at least I'm not losing any weight.).

This weekend I've got two whole days off in which I can eat my heart's content...and a plan to do some SERIOUS eating. I'll keep you posted.

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