Sunday, November 20, 2011

20 November 2011

Well all right. This week I learned quite a few things...

The first of which is that as of this morning I weigh 189. How did I manage a two pound gain in only two days? Here's the thing: I'm working at a physically intense job all week. The air is very dry here...especially now that the bitter cold has set in, I sweat a lot, don't get a chance to drink enough water, I get home and crash. Every afternoon I wake up very thirsty with my mouth so dry that I can actually hear a raspy sound when I run my tongue along the roof of my mouth!

Last night I had a day off from that job and because I wasn't feeling particularly well (dehydration will do that), I spent the evening eating lightly and sipping water.

This morning I got up, and (after urinating), weighed the tune of 189.

So I guess the lesson here is: drink more water.

The other lesson I've learned is this: for the past week or so I've been supplimenting with lecithin. I did some research online that suggests it helps with fat metabolism and so figured it couldn't hurt and might actually provide the benefit of protecting my liver from all this extra fat I've been eating. The first day, I took just a little higher than the recommended dose, and then every day after that, took HALF the recommended dose. All week long I've noticed that my muscles (specifically my back, which gets lots of exercise lifting boxes) have been getting sorer and spasm-ier to the point that I have to take Robaxisal even to sleep. I've also noticed myself getting more and more depressed as the week went on (of course this could just be in part because we're getting down to six hours of daylight per's almost 8am here and the sky is still a sullen, leaden dark grey that suggests more snow is on the way...and I'm generally sleeping through all of the daylight's going to be dark again by 4pm. Add to the fact that it's damned cold here...-25C ambient/-35C I type this...well, not a happy time of year).

I've been cranky and miserable and all I want to do is sleep (which for me, at least, a sure indicator of depression).

Did some further research and discovered that supplimenting with lecithin can actually cause or worsen depression if you're prone to such things (and I guess this proves beyond a doubt that I am).

I didn't take last night's lecithin pill far today...I'm feeling a LOT better both mood-wise and back-wise.

The moral to this story is that: even though they're just vitamin pills, you can take less than the recommended dose and still have some mightily nasty ill effects.

So it's back to gaining the old fashioned way. I'm off to have my first breakfast of the day...

Hopefully by next weekend I will break 190 pounds and get some progress shots up.

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